Corporate Services (Private) Limited (CSL) counts over 40 years’ experience as one of the leading company secretarial service providers in Sri Lanka. CSL’s lawyers and chartered secretaries service almost 500 corporate clients in a broad spectrum of industries, ranging from listed, public, private and guarantee companies, branches and liaison offices of overseas companies and trusts. CSL also assists clients in their dealings with the Department of the Registrar General of Companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka and the Colombo Stock Exchange.
Besides the regular functions of corporate secretaries, CSL also acts as the registrars to several public listed companies in handling all issues relating to the shareholding and the shareholders of such companies including transfers and transmissions of shares, liaising with the Colombo Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka on compliance requirements, handling dividends etc. CSL also acts as registrars of share issues (rights, bonus private placements etc.), registrars and managers to mandatory and voluntary offers, and as trustees of share trusts.
Reach us at:
Corporate Services (Private) Limited.
216 de Saram Place,
Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka.
+94 11 4 605 162
Legal Source is a legal process outsourcing company offering legal research services, contract management services, legal support services and IP documentation services and other customized solutions to both local and international clients.
Legal Source offers customized and cost effective LPO solutions that enable clients to focus on what they do best.
Reach us at:
Legal Source (Private) Limited
216 de Saram Place,
Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka.
+94 114 605 128 / +94 114 605 179